Our Signature Programs ensures residents are getting the best experience in our communities. From care to food to activities, each program has been created with the best senior living experience in mind.
From wellness programs, managed care, and emergency response systems, our communities are equipped to provide the most complete care available in senior living today. We’re conveniently located close to medical providers, and our courteous Concierge is on hand assisting with scheduling appointments, transportation, or arranging a doctor’s house call. Our assisted living communities provide customized care, with staff available 24/7 to assist with personal and medication needs.
With 24-hour state-of-the-art emergency response systems, residents and family members can have peace-of-mind that care is always available.
Those who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia receive the care they need beyond what traditional assisted living communities can provide. Healthcare monitoring and management, personalized care and assistance, and much more are delivered in a safe and secure environment.
We also offer support to family members through educational programs and group meetings.
Prospective residents often tell us that eating has become boring—a chore they avoid when possible. This often results in a reduction of daily meals, supplements versus real food, loss of weight, and a decline in health.
We created ARTFUL Dining® to re-inspire value in one of life’s most important functions—dining.
Our chefs demand that meals be as tasty to the eyes as to the palate — and that’s an art. We believe a restaurant-style atmosphere elevates the morale of patrons and staff in a way that a dining hall can’t. The result is a dining experience unlikely to be found in other senior living communities. It’s part science, part art, and part social interaction. The science is in creating healthy and balanced meals. The art is in preparation and presentation.
And, whether snacking in a cafe or dining in a restaurant, food is more often the common ground over which people get together to socialize. As a result, residents often experience immediate and direct benefits. Better eating leads to better nutrition. The outcome is an improved overall quality of life.
Regular activity provides a variety of health benefits, and seniors gain a lot by staying physically and socially active. Our scheduled activities are as fun as they are helpful in maintaining health, improving appetite, and inspiring new friendships. What is there to do today? How about tomorrow? These are important questions.
After all, meaningful activity can help alleviate depression, improve mobility and help overall health. Engaging activities offer cognitive and social stimulation, helping to vent frustration, and lessening feelings of loss and loneliness. From music and pet therapy to art, card, and walking clubs, yoga, to yard games, activities programs vary from community-to-community.
Our Activity Directors will be delighted to discuss the available options and provide you with a current activity calendar. They can highlight what activities are available specifically for men, women, and social groups. Our goal is to help keep our residents physically, emotionally, and socially engaged.